
Hysterectomy What is a hysterectomy?Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus.This can be a total hysterectomy which is the removal of the uterus and the cervix, or a subtotal hysterectomy (supracervical) which is the removal of the top part of the uterus and...


Herpes As many as 1 in 5 sexually active people have the Herpes virus. Not everyone is aware that they have it and can transmit it to a sexual partner. Most people are surprised to learn that Herpes is a very common virus. It is a viral infection and can be treated...


Fibroids What are fibroids?Fibroids or leiomyoma are benign tumors of the uterus made of muscle. These growths can occur in different parts of the uterus, including inside the cavity of the uterus, on the outside of the uterus or within the wall of the uterus....


Adenomyosis Adenomyosis is a relatively common condition, resulting from growth of the endometrial or uterine lining glands in the wall of the uterus. Generally, the glands of the uterine lining are limited only to the uterine cavity. Adenomyosis, unike endometriosis,...

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How Can You Help? Knowledge is Power Pass the Pearls is dedicated to educating women and healthcare professionals about state-of-the-art surgical care and to help women gain access to minimally invasive surgery. This website is also an educational resource.  ...